Willie Brown portrait

From the Desk of Willie Brown

By Willie Brown - June 14, 2020

COVID-19 Practices

I would like to start by conveying my gratitude for the work you are doing to serve our UCSB community during this unprecedented time. As some of the most critical staff on our campus, your work has not gone unnoticed by me or the campus leadership; thank you.

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Example of Resident Director virtual office hours flyer

Keeping Community with Students

By Becky Villaneda - June 9, 2020

Unique and Engaging Experiences... Virtually

Despite having most of our UCSB student population “attending” university remotely, Resident Directors (RDs) and Assistant Resident Directors (ARDs) continued their hard work with their Residential Curriculum, Living Learning Communities (LLCs), and Cultural Mentorship Programs (CMPs). All RDs and ARDs worked on virtual curriculum and held weekly office hours for students to attend.

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Willie Brown

From the Desk of Willie Brown

By Staff Writer - June 3, 2020

To Our Talented & Caring Employees:

Thank you for all the work that you’re doing to serve our customers during this challenging time. I want to take a moment to share that the Director's Team is meeting almost every day working to prepare for a return to in-person operations, while doing our best to keep everyone healthy and safe.

Read moreFrom the Desk of Willie Brown


Going Remote: Best Practice Tips

By Siana Villaverde - May 7, 2020

Navigating Work-Life Balance from Home

Making the transition from working in an office to working remotely can present many challenges and lead to a skewed perception of work life balance. However, there are several ways in which you can effectively accomplish your work, while maintaining a healthy personal life.

Read moreGoing Remote: Best Practice Tips