HDAE Highlights

Micro-articles about Our Staff & Communities
NEW TO ZOOM? Gracie Huerta is offering Zoom 101 classes! Contact her at ghuerta@ucsb.edu for more information. Pro tip: you don't have to settle for a boring scene of your home office during an online Zoom meeting. Opt for a virtual background instead. Here are some UC ones to choose from: Public Affairs, Associated Students, Recreation Center, UC Newsroom. And remember to have fun with it! Our paragon of fun folks, the Conference & Hospitality Services team, have been picking themes and surprising their co-workers. Pictured here are “Gaucho Spirit” and “Tropical.” Aloha!
CONGRATULATIONS: With the help of the UCSB Sustainability PACES program. The Club & Guest House is a newly-certified Green Business! On March 5 The Club was honored at the Annual Award Luncheon and Sara Engebrits, Director of Marketing & Membership for The Club, proudly accepted the award...The UCSB Campus Store raised $2,101.65 for United Way by holding a "Campus Store Round-up" from January 15 to March 6, 2020. Customers were asked if they would like to 'round up' to the nearest dollar on their Campus Store purchases. Generous customers donated a total of $2,101.65 for the cause.
IN THE NEWS: Kudos to Residential Operations, Residential & Community Living, and Residential Dining for their well thought out and organized approach to social distancing at Santa Catalina as documented in the Daily Nexus...Residential Operations staff going above and beyond as usual! When asked to build stands for hand sanitizer stations due to backorder issues, the Residential Operations team built them in less than 10 working hours to help support the initial COVID-19 campus response. You can see our talented and caring staff at :43.
DID YOU KNOW? Gracie Huerta and Lisa Slavid have put together a UCSB Listos Facebook page, a channel to share bilingual emergency preparedness information and training clips for UCSB staff. Please share, and if you have suggestions or resources please send them their way…You can view SharePoint announcements from home. Log in with your UCSB Net ID password.
THANK YOU TO: Residential Operations Maintenance team (Daniel Gutierrez, Steve Silva, Eddy Melendez, Ishmael Carranza, Mario Corral, and Caesar Martinez) for helping to protect staff by building protective shields for work areas at Tenaya Market & Eatery and the Sierra Madre front desk…Nabisco Snacks and Albertsons for their generous donations of munchies to the Miramar Food Pantry. The Pantry supports students in need and donations like this really help…local consultant and previous UCSB employee, Britt Andreatta, for her generosity in making her Change Management course free through June 30. We’re all dealing with massive change, and by understanding the brain science of change you may find new perspectives on how to adapt to this new and ever-evolving situation…Westerlay Orchids for thinking of our students and donating 300+ orchids to distribute. The orchids were a great way to connect with students and provide a little joy for them since many cannot return home at this time…to the human tape measure Robbie Wright. To ensure social distancing and the safety of guests waiting to use the Miramar Pantry, Dining placed tape on the ground every 6 feet. Without a tape measure in hand, they used their resources and Robbie Wright happens to be 6 feet tall!... And, last but not least, here are a few thank you notes received by our talented and caring staff members.