Business & Financial Planning is responsible for Housing, Dining & Auxiliary Enterprises’ fiscal and administrative services, and coordinating department‐wide efforts relating to operating and capital budgets, financial systems management, computer support, information systems analysis and design, faculty housing issues, staff recruitment, BARC (central cashier) interface, as well as contracts and compliance with University procedures.

technician checking server room

Administrative & Residential Information Technology (ARIT)

ARIT is responsible for the planning, development, implementation, and overall support for information systems and related technologies for all departments of the UCSB Division of Administrative Services. ARIT consists of the following work groups: Application Development & Collaboration Systems; Data Services & Business Systems; End User Support; Network & Security; and Technical Infrastructure.

exterior of The Club & Guest House

The Club & Guest House

The Club & Guest House offers fine-dining luncheon settings in its spacious main dining room, a 34-room, boutique hotel-style Guest House, private meeting areas, state-of-the-art conference spaces and an outdoor terrace for special occasions. Although open to the public, The Club is a membership organization governed by a Board of Directors elected by the membership. The Club is pleased to welcome a variety of guests, maintaining its long-standing tradition of conversation, connection and celebration since its opening in 1968.

conference held at UCSB

Conference & Hospitality Services

Conference & Hospitality Services coordinates year-round meeting space and plans summer conference programs for a variety of groups including academic, leadership, outreach, faith-based, professional, athletic, and environmental. Over 150 conferences are implemented during the peak summer months, averaging 160,000 bed nights and serving over 20,000 guests. All conference revenue is used to offset student housing fees.

faculty housing at ucsb

Faculty Housing

Faculty Housing provides assistance designed specifically for faculty in the areas of for sale housing, relocation counseling assistance and referrals, and home purchase assistance including advising on available loans. This work group also manages the Sierra Madre Apartments, home to 36 staff and faculty rental apartments.