By Staff Writer - June 3, 2020

To Our Talented & Caring Employees:

Thank you for all the work that you’re doing to serve our customers during this challenging time. I want to take a moment to share that the Director's Team is meeting almost every day working to prepare for a return to in-person operations, while doing our best to keep everyone healthy and safe.

We are currently establishing different groups to work on strategies to adapt our business practices in these unprecedented times. We are focusing on the following: COVID Testing, Isolation Housing, Health Monitoring, Housing Move-In, Housing Occupancy, Dining Density, Retail Operations Social Distancing, Auxiliary Services, Face Coverings, Custodial Services, Maintenance and IT Services. We will continue to be fluid and adjust as the situation develops.

Rest assured, we're continuously monitoring the situation and we will do our best to keep you informed. One way we're doing that is by increasing the regularity of the staff newsletter, The Compass, so keep an eye on your email. We plan to include information on the progress of our initiatives to return to in-person operations, as well as articles about the tremendous work you all are doing. If you have any article ideas or highlights for the newsletter, please email them to Thank you for your understanding and patience in this uncertain time. Together we will get through this.


~Willie Brown

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