The Mask Making Brigade
Providing Much Needed Masks for Our Community
Hear that buzzing? It's sewing machines in action. In compliance with the CDC guidelines, all UCSB staff members who interact with others while serving in any capacity of their role are required to wear a face covering. Thanks to the hard work of some of our amazing Residential & Community Living staff members, each professional and student staff member will have access to a mask. Grant House Sewing Machines generously supplied them with elastic, which is in shortage currently, and also donated fabric in addition to the materials they purchased.

Resident Director Jeremy Scruggs, Conduct Officer Preet Neki, Financial Manager Julia Choi, and Residential & Community Living Director Jill Hurd joined forces to create nearly 100 masks. Due to their design, these masks are not only fashionable but also effective in regards to filtering out contaminants. There is an opening located inside of the mask that allows a coffee filter to be placed between the stitched fabric of the mask to further prevent the spread of germs. Additionally, because the coffee filter can be removed and swapped out, the mask itself can also be washed in the washing machine.
In addition to our R&CL mask making brigade, we've received support from other areas as well. Former Residential Dining Director Judy Edner's husband Selden (top left) has taught himself to sew so that he can make face masks for friends and family, including previous workmates of his wife! Laura Hoffman of Transportation & Parking Services (top right) made masks for her co-workers. We also received homemade masks from afar ─ Shalauna Miller's mom (bottom left) sent masks from Colorado, and Whitney Morris' mother-in-law sent masks (bottom right) all the way from England! Renee Bahl, Garry MacPherson, and David McHale made sure our Family Student Housing kids had extra small masks at their disposal. Another good samaritan, a student, donated 2000 masks to Santa Catalina residents. This anonymous donation made a huge impact on the number of residents wearing masks in that community.

An enormous thank you to everyone for dedicating their time to sourcing material, designing and creating masks, as well as donating masks. We are feeling grateful and proud to be part of a community that steps up during this challenging time. Together we can make a difference!