By Staff Writer - May 4, 2020

This article gives some excellent resources during these trying times, whether at work or at home.

Put the websites on your “favorite links” so you can refer to them as we move forward.

Need Help Working at Home?
How is working remotely working for you? Take a look at some tips and handouts for improving your home office set-up.  If you need further help, please reach out to me:  If needed, we can do an ergonomic assessment using Facetime or Zoom. 
Remember the "Rule of 20"
  • Every 20 minutes get up (if you are sitting),

  • Sit down (if you are standing),

  • Take 20 steps, 

  • Look away from your screen for 20 seconds, and 

  • Blink your eyes 20 times! 

Safety During the Pandemic: Training at Home & Work

Several years ago HDAE began a subscription to BLR, a company that provides web-based safety courses that are mandated by Cal-OSHA. Staff are invited via email to take the on-line training – safety is just a click away. You may have taken one recently. All training is accessible 24/7 and many courses are available in Spanish. BLR also provides a tracking system with the subscription which helps us determine who needs to complete which required training. No longer does HDAE have to purchase safety DVDs, which become outdated, and pull everybody away from their work at one time to take these courses. Using this program has significantly increased our department's compliance with completing mandatory safety training, and everyone appreciates the flexibility it offers. And, people can do it anywhere if they have a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

I am a Dr. Seheult Groupie

Over a month ago I discovered an excellent YouTube channel that provides daily Covid-19 updates. It has been my go-to "course" for "COVID 101." It turns out that Dr. Seheult, a UC Riverside graduate and busy pulmonary and critical care physician and internist who practices in southern California, researches and writes the daily updates on On Update 59 from April 20, Dr. Seheult shares what he is doing to avoid becoming ill from the Covid-19. Watch out - you might become addicted to his informative and interesting presentations as he is an excellent teacher. Medcram offers a variety of medical tutorials, many of which are free, including all of the Coronavirus Pandemic updates.

Be well, stay well. 

~Ginnie Thomas, HDAE Health Advocate

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