By Marisol Gomez - September 29, 2016

Our Talented & Caring Residential Dining Storekeepers

By 6:00am each morning, our four Storekeepers are ready to receive the goods that will be used to prepare our daily meals. With over 84 years of combined service, Doug Wishon, Eric Veal, Richard Lindsten and Ruben Ramirez are the front line for the food delivery and are responsible for receiving all produce and products, counting goods and storing all items for their unit.

Last academic year, the dining commons served over 2.6 million meals! All the goods used to make these meals passed through the hands of our trusty Storekeepers, then to the kitchen, and finally, to our plates. Here are some fun and impressive facts on common staples received:

  • 2,720 cases of eggs (108,770 pounds of eggs)

  • 2,126 cases of organic 2% milk (10,630 gallons)

  • 11,345 pounds of tilapia

  • 37,896 pounds of inside round beef

  • 7,200 pounds of semi-sweet chocolate chips

  • 235 pounds of sustainable honey

Thank you for doing a great job guys!