Melissa Jarnagin dressed to ride in in the annual Tour de Pink bike ride.

Cycling for a Good Cause

By Melissa Jarnagin - December 12, 2019

Melissa Jarnagin Participates in Tour de Pink

The annual Tour de Pink is sponsored by the Young Survival Coalition. Every year they organize a bike to ride to help raise awareness, fund and support those affected by breast cancer. This year's West Coast ride took place October 25 to 27. Their motto is "Where will 200 miles take you?"

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Residential Dining Storekeepers

Staff Spotlight

By Marisol Gomez - September 29, 2016

Our Talented & Caring Residential Dining Storekeepers

By 6:00am each morning, our four Storekeepers are ready to receive the goods that will be used to prepare our daily meals. With over 84 years of combined service, Doug Wishon, Eric Veal, Richard Lindsten and Ruben Ramirez are the front line for the food delivery and are responsible for receiving all produce and products, counting goods and storing all items for their unit.

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Juan Marquez

Artist in Residence (Halls)

By Julie Levangie - February 25, 2016

Juan Marquez, San Nicolas Residence Hall Sr. Custodian by Day, Artist All the Time

Since Juan was a little kid, he has been an artist. He loves challenging himself and creating something from nothing. Juan says that just drawing a line is creating something, and that’s what’s beautiful about it. You can play with it, and it doesn’t have to be perfect.

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