Guidelines for Publicizing Events

  • DigiKnow is a visual communication tool designed to facilitate and enhance the dissemination of information to UCSB’s residential students and Dining Commons' customers. HDAE utilizes DigiKnow to publicize events and programs that HDAE administers and to post important information regarding services. In addition, it is intended for use by University departments and registered student organizations that wish to publicize events open to all UCSB students. In an emergency, DigiKnow will be dedicated to providing information updates about the crisis.
  • Ads may not conflict with the mission of UCSB or HDAE and must comply with all UCSB and HDAE policies. HDAE reserves the right to edit all materials to fit network or presentation requirements. HDAE may refuse or return for revision any submittals for language, pictures, images, or references to alcohol and other drugs that are unlawful or harmful.
  • Ads regarding elections:
    • HDAE Community Councils, Associated Students, and Campus Departments:
      • Candidates: ads must come from the respective Elections Committee, a neutral source, and cannot specifically endorse one candidate.
      • Initiatives: Ads must be neutral and can provide basic information on what a yes vote will result in. 
    • Local and beyond:
      • Candidates: Ads advertising an event or volunteer opportunity with a candidate are acceptable. Ads must be neutral and provide basic information with no direction on how to vote.
      • Propositions: Ads must be neutral, providing basic information without direction on how to vote.
    • Ads encouraging people to vote regardless of their affiliation are encouraged and welcome.
  • See the fee table for pricing information. Please note that we cannot broadcast your ad(s) until we have received payment or a departmental recharge account number.
  • Ads may be designed in Microsoft PowerPoint (the 16x9 widescreen slide size), or if designed in another software, ads should be 1920 x 1080 pixels. Ads cannot be larger than 30MB.
  • Ads shall be one slide only, and University departments and student organizations may only broadcast three ads at a time.
  • Please utilize our resources to help you create your ad.
  • All submissions must be made to HDAE at least five (5) business days before the requested broadcast date – this is the minimum time requirement necessary to review submittals and insert materials into the DigiKnow broadcast. Ads will be broadcast for no longer than seven (7) days and may be subject to space availability.
  • HDAE will not be responsible for permanently storing any submitted materials beyond their scheduled run dates. All materials will be deleted after the last scheduled run date.