By Leslie Ramirez - June 15, 2020

Promoting Wellness and an Active Lifestyle

UC Walks Santa Barbara was held virtually May 6 - May 13, 2020. As challenging as this remote world has been, the circumstances allowed us to get creative with this year's event which was offered virtually due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. This year’s UC Walks was open to all UCSB staff, faculty, and students, and it gave participants something to look forward to while promoting an active lifestyle and staying connected virtually.  

This traditionally one-day walking event was expanded to an entire week and it allowed participants more flexibility to complete an activity of their choice at their own time. Some examples of physical activity included: gardening, walking, running, biking, yoga, dancing, etc. Participants were asked to submit their physical activity minutes for a chance to win a prize. They were also encouraged to share a picture or to post on social media with the hashtag #UCSBwalks2020. The prizes were two Fitbits from Kaiser Permanente, gift cards to the Campus Store, and a free training session from UCSB’s Recreation Center. Thank you to the latter for collaborating with us on this fun event.  

At UCSB we had a total of 138 participants, of which 70 were staff (33 from HDAE), 62 students, 2 community members, 3 alumni, and 1 retiree. Approximately 9,330 physical activity minutes were reported! We loved watching participants' submissions come in and enjoyed the pictures that were shared. Continue to put your best foot forward and keep walking folks!


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