By Leslie Ramirez - February 9, 2020

Staff Giving Themselves the Gift of Healthier Habits

The Healthy Holiday Challenge is a UC systemwide eight-week program offered to staff and faculty. Did you know most Americans gain an average of one to five pounds during the holiday season? The holiday challenge encourages participants to be mindful of eating habits and manage stress with weekly supportive tools and tips for adopting healthy behaviors. Jenifer Swartzentruber, R.D., M.S., and C.D.E. provided three workshops during the lunch hour beginning in November 2019 and ending in January 2020. The workshops included information on how not to diet and how to start an action plan. 161 participants signed up and two lucky winners won a Fitbit donated by Kaiser. 47% of participants who completed the exit survey reported that they maintained their weight, and 27% reported they had lost weight during the holidays. Two other lucky participants won a private consultation with Jenifer. Congratulations to all the participants for completing the challenge!

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