By Brian Graham - October 21, 2024

Through a series of stakeholder workshops during the 2023-24 academic year, SOM as the Architect of Record and Mithun as Programming lead and co-design partner have been working to develop Detailed Project Programs (DPPs) for both the San Benito and East Campus projects. These DPPs are comprehensive planning documents that include all the information necessary for campus to establish a project budget and for the design team to initiate schematic design.

Phase One San Benito will significantly transform the northwest corner of campus at Stadium Road and Mesa Road. The residential program will be organized into rows of six connected buildings that vary from 6-8 floors in height, all oriented east-west to optimize views, daylighting, and passive ventilation strategies for the over 450 new apartments that will be home to 2,225 residents.  After a competitive best-value selection process, the campus selected Webcor to serve as the Construction Manager At-Risk and general contractor. Throughout fall quarter, the San Benito project team will be working through design development, finalizing the project budget, and pursuing the entitlement approvals required to start construction before summer 2025.

The Phase Two East Campus project is currently finalizing the DPP before entering into schematic design later in fall quarter. The project will add 1,275 net new undergraduate student beds into the existing community of five residence halls on the east end of campus. Due to the relatively low density of the existing facilities and the complex circulation challenges present, the program is focused on replacing HDAE's oldest facilities— Santa Rosa Residence Hall (opened in 1955) and Ortega Dining Commons (opened in 1957)— while adding five or six new apartment buildings that are thoughtfully sited to integrate into the existing campus physical design framework. After another best-value selection process, the campus selected PCL Construction to serve as the Construction Manager At-Risk and general contractor for the East Campus project. At present, the project is planning to start construction in Spring quarter 2026. 

For more updates about the Student Housing Developments, visit this page.

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