By Danielle Reed - June 22, 2015

Construction of the San Joaquin Apartments is in full swing, and the progress is fun to watch for kids of all ages.

At the beginning of June, Complex Coordinator Mayra Alcala and Assistant Complex Coordinator Angella Tai organized an event for the children of Family Student Housing to watch a massive concrete pour creating the slab for a 6-story tower. About 20 kids and parents met up for popsicles at the West Campus playground and then walked across the street to see the action. On that day 75 concrete trucks delivered over 700 cubic yards of concrete (2.8 million pounds!), which completed half of the foundation. The pour continued on the following day to finish the slab. Children and adults were fascinated by the massive workforce and equipment that went into the pour. The site continues to grow and change on a daily basis, so be sure to check it out

Pictured above: Danielle Reed's son Elliott, a construction (and popsicle) fan.

Aerial photo by Brian Graham.