A Greener Graduation

Sustainability Efforts at the UCSB Campus Store
Our provider of caps and gowns, for rental or purchase, and graduation rings and jewelry is Jostens. They are the only vendor that produces gowns that are compostable and made from a sustainable source ─ tree pulp that is derived from a fast growing tree that they grow specifically for this purpose. In addition, Jostens is committed to conserving the environment by taking responsible actions at all their operational and administrative facilities. Jostens corporate headquarters in Minneapolis is in an Energy Star United States EPA certified building. In four years they recycled 24,624 tons of paper, which saved 418,599 trees and 24,626 cubic yards of landfill space, and 7.8 million lbs of aluminum resulting in 12.5 million lbs of greenhouse gas reductions (equivalent to 5.5 million gallons of gasoline). In two years, they recycled 115.98 tons of plastic, which is equivalent to 1,889 barrels of oil and 2,552 cubic meters of landfill saved. They’ve also implemented investments in their Denton, Texas facility which resulted in reduced water usage by 40%.
Our diploma frame provider, Framing Success, resides in an award-winning, eco-friendly building and uses Forest Stewardship Council® certified wood moldings. Through their partnership with Trees for the Future, they fund one tree planting for every frame purchased. Their product and shipping boxes are made from 100% recycled fiber, saving thousands of trees each year. And as an award-winning EPA WasteWise Program partner, they focus on waste prevention, recycling and purchasing recycled content products.
Along with our sustainable graduation products, The Campus Store provides a large selection of recycled notebooks and paper products such as Bluebooks made from 100% recycled material. Storewide, our floor and office lighting has been replaced with LED lighting. These new lights provide much better light and save energy (and reduce pollution and Greenhouse Gases due to saving energy). In fact, the new fixtures are so much better that we could remove two old fixtures and put in one new one. Overall, the project will save 68% of previous energy used and over $7,500 in energy costs and reduced labor costs per year.
Stop by the Campus Store to check out our sustainable products and new lights, and remember, it saves to be green.