By Leslie Ramirez & Mark Rousseau - October 9, 2019

Reusing, Recycling, and Generating a Spirit of Giving to the Community

June is a busy time of year for everyone at UCSB with finals, graduation, and not to mention move-out. GIVE has accepted donations during Isla Vista and UCSB’s move-out week since 1990. The donations include kitchenware, canned goods, books, furniture, packaged foods, unwanted clothes, and bikes. Everything from the halls and apartments is collected at eight Housing sites and taken to Embarcadero Hall to be sorted and sold at the giant GIVE sale, with 100% of the proceeds benefiting local Isla Vista and Santa Barbara nonprofit organizations.

Leslie Ramirez organizes the Housing material with staff and student help, and Viviana Marsano from Student Affairs organizes the material and sale at Embarcadero Hall. This year there were over 190 volunteers who donated a total of 1,775 hours and who completed various duties such as collecting, cleaning, and organizing items for the GIVE Sale.  


The sale generated a total of $36,821 ($6,421 more than last year!) Much of the material comes from Housing students and this year we collected old furniture from San Clemente Villages. Over 2,000 pounds of food were donated to the Associated Students Food Bank and a total of 31,075 tons were diverted from the landfill. The money generated goes to organizations that volunteered during the sale which included Adopt-a-Block-Isla Vista Recreation and Park District, Associated Students Food Bank, Children’s Camping Trip - Isla Vista Recreation and Park District, Isla Vista Elementary School Science Camp Scholarship Fund, Isla Vista Initiatives Fund, Isla Vista Young Athletes Fund, Isla Vista Youth Projects, Optimist Club at UCSB, Santa Barbara Soccer, Santa Barbara Housing Coop, Saint George Youth Center in Isla Vista, and St. Michael’s University Church.

Thank you to all who helped and especially to Leslie and Viviana! Together we can make a difference.


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