By Becky Villaneda - February 6, 2020

Residential & Community Living's Annual Learning Retreat

Residential & Community Living hosted their annual December Unit meeting where they teach each other about their various hobbies, which for this group always means more laughs and letting their inner Martha Stewart shine!

It’s become a tradition for the team to, each December, break into groups to do an activity of sorts. This year Origami, photo coasters, photography, Henna, Mario Kart, cooking a Ghanaian/West African (Palava) sauce, and CrossFit were 2019’s offerings. Staff took over rooms at Santa Catalina, while the CrossFitters sweated it out in the Linda Vista Room. We’re talking a warm-up run, followed by lunges, sit-ups, squats – it was killer! Shantel Dickerson even wrote a Haiku about it:  

Waking up -- it's cold

Try to sit up and move arms

I just can't do it

Leading up to all the classes, the R&CL team gathered for snacks and announcements, and most notable, took time to honor one of their own – Marian Bankins, who was celebrating a milestone 35 years of service! She’s been such a prominent person in the department that her sage advice has been coined as Marianisms. Here are some popular ones that were hollered out: “Slower is faster.” “Works smarter; not harder.” “I hired you.” And … “Get to work.” Congratulations, Marian!