By Staff Writer - December 8, 2019

HDAE Staff on the Move

WELCOME: Toni Martinez, Permit Sales Clerk, Transportation & Parking Services…Rolando Charco, Cook, Carrillo Dining Commons...Daniel Guttierrez, Carpenter, Residential Operations…Efren Dionicio Leon, Senior Custodian, UCen Food Service…Luis Mosqueda, Cook, De La Guerra Dining Commons…Moises Perez, Cook, Carrillo Dining Commons…and, Kaity Roos has returned to fill in as the San Clemente Villages Complex Coordinator through the end of the academic year.

TRANSITIONS: Nicholas Engebrits has been promoted to Assistant Director of Retail for UCen Food Service…Jeremy Guida has been promoted to Housing Services Analyst, University & Community Housing Services…David Orozco has been promoted to Senior Mail Processor for UCen Mail Services…Carlos Martinez has been promoted to Senior Cook in Ortega Dining Commons…and, Fern Lightfoot has been promoted to Associate Director for Catering and Concessions. 

FAREWELL: Michael Villarreal, Sr. BMW for Residential Operations, has resigned…Ann Springer of the UCSB Campus Store has retired after 20 years of service...and, Ashley Claiborne of Residential & Community Living has accepted a job at Occidental College as the Assistant Director of Conduct.  


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