Housing Highlights

Micro-articles about Our Staff & Communities
Congratulations to Mandy Yoshida and her team for winning the Winter Intramurals Men's B (Intermediate) League Championship! It was nail-biter: double overtime by 1 point off a bank three (mid cramp)!
The results are in! In the most recent resident satisfaction survey from February 2017, 93% of our residents are satisfied or above. This is consistent for the last four years, except for 2015-16 when 96% of residents were satisfied or above.
The Urban Art Workshop sponsored by the Community Housing Office just completed their 7th mural in Isla Vista! Go check out this mural masterpiece at 6696 Del Playa.
Babies! Babies Everywhere! Willie Brown (aka “Baby Whisperer”) with Marisol Gomez’ baby boy Max, and Sara Engebrits and her new bundle of joy, Walker.
Residential Operations' annual salsa contest on Wednesday, April 12 was a tasty hit! The categories were: Best Flavor, Most Picante (but still enjoyable), and Best Texture. Denisse Santana won the first two categories and Tom Beland won Best Texture. The 50+ people who voted -- HVACs, administrative and custodial staff, and maintenance workers – devoured the salsa and four bags of chips.
Congratulations to the UCSB Undergraduate Apartments for winning All Hall Brawl 2017!
Photos by Malcolm Rashid, Sean Ryan Tieu & Latrece Seneca.
We recently celebrated forty-six staff members at our Annual Service Awards Ceremony. The talented and caring staff we recognized have 740 years of combined service to UCSB! Congratulations to everyone for reaching these extraordinary plateaus!
Photo by Alex Ramos.
1st Row: Sal Canales (20 yrs), Ginnie Thomas (15 yrs), Soteris Nicolaou (15 yrs), Ray Lopez (20 yrs), Derrick Duong (15 yrs), Maria Valeriano (10 yrs), Isaias Guerrero (10 yrs), Oscar Rios (10 yrs), Kai Lu (10 yrs) 2nd Row: Julie Ballesteros (10 yrs), Tom Beland (15 yrs), Liana Decierdo (25 yrs), Chris Harton (10 yrs), Desirea Lewis (10 yrs), Cresencio Acevedo (15 yrs),Tanawan Booyarattaphan (10 yrs), Arturo Ortiz (20 yrs), Pam Rodgers (35 yrs), Arturo Ojeda-Torres (10 yrs), Julie Miller (10 yrs), Danielle Reed (10 yrs), Sally Vito (25 yrs), Rob Donerson (35 yrs) 3rd Row: Richard Lindsten (35 yrs), Barry Colwell (20 yrs), Ben Price (10 yrs), Brandon Kay (10 yrs), Frank Murray (20 yrs), Kip Bates (25 yrs), Eric Johnstone (10 yrs)
Not Pictured: 10 YEARS: Abel Medina Torres, Andrew Hill, Concepcion Leon, Jesus Zambrano Manzo, Juan Marquez, Julia Baltazar, Maria Valeriano, Michael Blakemore, Ramiro Aguirre; 15 YEARS: Douglas Cannan, Mario Castaneda, Palemon Vital, Tony Castanon; 20 YEARS: Martin Pereda; 25 YEARS: Ricardo Diaz; 30 YEARS: Ann Greenwald, DeAnne Hartman.