HDAE Highlights

HDAE Highlights
By Staff Writer - June 12, 2018

Micro-articles about Our Staff & Communities

Behold the newest mural to grace the San Miguel/San Nicolas exterior stage! This year's theme, "Community", was beautifully captured by student artist Caitlin (pictured).

On May 23 we held our annual Service Award Ceremony. This year’s event was extra special as it was the inaugural celebration of all HDAE staff. We recognized 66 talented and caring staff members with a cumulative total of 1000 years of service to the UC! Congratulations to the honored staff for reaching these extraordinary plateaus! Many of our staff were also recognized at the UCSB Service Milestone Reception. Willie Brown, at 45 years of service, was recognized as well.


HDAE staff laced up their comfy shoes and participated in UC Walks on May 16. UC Walks is a Systemwide WellBeing Initiative program that promotes wellness and an active lifestyle as well as builds community and campus spirit.


San Joaquin Villages has new wall décor: The MarCom Team (Eric Zobel,Julie Levangie & Mandy Yoshida) partnered with UCSB Athletics to transform three of our recreation rooms with some Gaucho pride! Olé..., Olé, Olé, Olé Gauchos, Gauchos! 

Every year our talented and caring Resident Assistants make door decorations for incoming Gauchos. "Door decs" are a great way to help people feel like they belong right away. Here are some stunning hand painted door decs created by Lissette Vaca, Santa Cruz Residence Hall RA.

Noah Owens, Housing Services Analyst for R&CL, entertained the campus community with his solo performance, “Electropop from New York City,” during the AS Program Board Noon Storke Show on April 25. Thank you Noah!

Check out the beautiful sculpture by UCSB grad student and artist Toni Scott. Our talented and caring Grounds Team provided the palm fronds for the sculpture, which was exhibited at the Art, Design & Architecture Museum in May. The Grounds Team also recently spruced up the area outside of the Transportation & Parking Services trailer.


The Arts & Culture Committee sponsored another successful National Music Week where students and staff entertained Dining Commons customers. The celebration concluded with UCSB's premiere, award-winning a cappella groupNaked Voices(click and turn on your sound)!

On June 13 about 25 folks from across HDAE gathered for a coffee collaboration and shared points of pride and success stories within HDAE. We also helped shape the official HDAE values, which we hope to get more input on and be able to finalize and share mid-summer. We saw this meeting as a chance to activate and hear some good stories about the good work you all do within our division and to get a chance to meet folks who sometimes only communicate via email. We hope to have more of these in the future for ongoing connections. Questions? Contact lisaslavid@ucsb.edu.

Portola Dining Commons, San Joaquin Villages, and The Club & Guest House have all been nominated for a Unique Venues Best of Awards! Portola & San Joaquin, nominated for Best Earth Friendly Venue, were recently awarded LEED Platinum Certification for setting the bar high in terms of being environmentally responsible and sustainable. The Club & Guest House at UCSB, nominated for Best Renovation, was extensively renovated and expanded in 2014. It now boasts a modernized design equipped with a spacious dining room, a 34-room, a lounge, state-of-the-art conference spaces, and more! VOTE FOR THE BEST! FORGET THE REST!

A few weeks ago De La Guerra Dining Commons had a special guest!

Well I was eating lunch at the D. L. G.

When this little girl came and she sat next to me

I never seen nobody move the way she did

Well she did and she does and she'll do it again

Pictured are Gauchos Sam, Bobby, the Jack Johnson, and Heather.

CONGRATULATIONS: Scott Gove married Isaac Sheets at the end of May...Julie Ballesteros received the Al Day Service Award from the Residence Halls Association Coordinating Board. This award is presented annually to a staff member for providing service above and beyond the call of duty to our residence hall residents…Portola Dining Commons was featured as the FoodService Operation of the Month for May in FoodService Director magazine...Amy Pasko, Denise Saludares, Dylan Bolf, Hyun Yu, Ken Lewis, Mark Bastanchury, Matthew McKenzie, Mike Smith, and Tom Patag all achieved the CompTIA Security+ Certification for IT Professionals...Jessica Fougere graduated from the 18-month-long Katherine Harvey Fellowship program...Kristine Lehman and Pam Scott completed 13.1 miles of trail running and rock climbing in the Massachusetts North Face Endurance Challenge…Both Arjun Sarkar and Tony Almanza have recently passed ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) exams to maintain their Master Technician status. Arjun passed the ASE A-2  Automatic Transmission / Transaxle re-certification test to maintain his Master Automobile Technician status and Tony, also a certified Master Automobile Technician, passed the L-1 Advanced Engine Performance test...James Harrington, Resident Assistant, received the Dean of Undergraduate Education Award...Hailey Phelan, Resident Assistant, was recognized with a University Award of Distinction...Resident Assistants Isaiah Lee Escobar Henry and Ana Lucia Mendoza received the Vice Chancellor's Award for Scholarship, Leadership & Citizenship. Ana was also recognized with a Senior Co-Curricular Excellence Award...and two of our graduating Resident Assistants were featured in a UCSB social media series leading up to Commencement Weekend. Congratulations one and all!

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