Access Mobile Credential
![Mobile Credential Banner](/sites/default/files/images/blog/MobileCredential3_0.png)
Mobile Access Card Coming Soon to Samsung Wallet
For 20+ years, UCSB has been expanding the functionality and service locations for the Access Card. Not until this last Fall did it become a recognized campus enterprise capability, with a newly formed Access Governance Committee (Co-Chaired by Ben Price and Melissa Jarnagin). The committee has forty staff members to help guide all Access decision-making, service changes, and enhancements.
Over the last nine months, a team from ARIT and UCen has been preparing for a new digital Access Card, which will enable a user-friendly and always on-hand campus ID available on Samsung Wallet (other alternative platforms coming soon). The Access Mobile Credential project will offer a beta test opportunity for all Housing Resident Assistants, Desk Attendants, and Residential Housing Association members in May 2023, and then officially launch on June 1, 2023, when it will be offered to all incoming freshmen. Upon arriving for their Orientation in June or July, new Gauchos will learn all that is needed to download and set up their Access Mobile Credential using their UCSBnetID. They will be able to use this convenient alternative to the plastic Access Card in all expected locations, including Residence Halls exterior doors, all Campus Dining locations, Library check-out, and the Recreation Center.
The team working on this project to improve the student experience includes Ben Price, Michael Blakemore, Frank Xiong, Danny Bahamontes, and Gabrielle Coulousi. Fun fact: UCSB is the first school in the UC System to launch this cutting-edge technology!
*Photo at the top will be the banner on mobile devices.